➼ Birchteeth ➼

🍂 Pagan 🍄 Non-Binary (She/They) 🌈 18+ 🌙

Hey all, I'm Salem, more affectionately known as Ink. I'm a 37 year old parent of one, and I work as a cake decorator. I do character design in my spare time (though I use bases, I can't draw very well on my own - what even is anatomy?) and do mods and texture edits for things on Second Life under [.birchteeth.] You can find all my links up above (including a link to my Second Life marketplace).

Commission status: Closed

& into the forest I go, to lose my mind & find my soul

Frequent Answers & Questions

🌟 What's that hair in your ad!!! Guys, if you're looking for the hair on my Heartbreakers mod, it's Fatal Horizon by Vale Koer and Moon. It's not available any longer with the goggles, as far as I know. Please stop asking me, LOL.🌟 Are your commissions open? 🌘 I only open up commissions on a case-by-case basis - the best you can do is message me to ask, but chances are, it'll be a no.🌟 HELP!~ My BOM skin isn't working!!! 🌘 If it's a BOM/BOMR purchase, I've included a notecard for you in the product package - please check that first for instructions.🌟 Can you help me figure out why my body isn't showing the BOM skin? Why do the textures not match up on these ears? What's with the weird textures on the tail? 🌘 Chances are, you either don't have BOM/BOMR enabled on your body, or you've gotten the wrong parts for the included textures. I check my textures thoroughly before I pack them, and make sure they're for the parts they say they are. However, I'm human, and do make mistakes from time to time; if you can't get it, message me!🌟 Are you planning on switching any of your Regalia only mods to LLUV/Omega? 🌘 No, I'm sorry! I tend not to work backwards, and I have such a hard time working with the LLUV that I would rather not. HOWEVER, I will release LLUV releases from time to time, so keep an eye out for those!🌟 Are you going to be in [event] consistently? 🌘 I'm chronically ill, so I can't promise any sort of consistency with events and releases - however, I do love making things for SL for the furry community; it's what brings me the most joy here, and I'll continue to do so as long as I can.🌟 HELP - I HAVE AN URGENT QUESTION AND YOU AREN'T ONLINE!!! 🌘 Hey, have no fear! You can contact me more quickly on twitter or discord, or you can contact Birchteeth's CSR, Father Daddy. You can also join the group in-world and ask your question, if I don't respond to the IM through my email right away.🌟 Do you mind if I tag you on twitter in the photos I take using your mods? 🌘 I don't mind at all - I absolutely love seeing what people do with the things I make, and it makes me feel super warm and fuzzy inside to know people like them.🌟 Can you make textures for [furry head/part] for one of your mods? 🌘 Just like how I don't work backwards with LLUV/Regalia, I also won't work backwards with textures for the parts. Sorry!🌟 I purchased the wrong colour of a mod - can you refund me or give me the right colour? 🌘 This is where a lot of people seem to think I'm rude - however, you need to understand that you can't give me the product you just bought back, therefore I can't refund you for a digital good that is no longer in my hands. My products are clearly marked. Make sure you are on the product you want to buy before you add it to your cart. I will NOT issue refunds or exchanges (you can't exchange a product you can't give back to me) on erroneous purchases.

& into the forest I go, to lose my mind & find my soul